More Scholarship Details and Application
Following a conversation this week with Julie Clayton of the Davis Senior High School Career Center (who is helping administer the scholarship award; thanks, Julie), we have some additional details to share about the $1,000 Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship.
First, applications are due on April 7, 2017. As noted before, applications can be picked up at the Davis Senior High School Career Center, 315 W 14th St, Davis, CA 95616 or you may use the application below.
In order to ensure your application is received for processing, Julie suggests that you bring it to her in person by the deadline.
Given the Davis Senior High School Career Center's administration of the 2017 award, recipients will be limited to high school seniors at Davis Senior High or Leonardo da Vinci High School in Davis, CA.
The scholarship award selection will be made on April 18-19 and the recipient will be notified thereafter, or by the end of April. Official recognition will occur at the Davis Senior High School Senior Awards Night on May 30, 2017.
The Application is available in the Box folder below, both as a simple pdf and a pdf form.
If you are unable to access Box, these files are also on Dropbox here.