My Nursery School Years
After she retired, Mrs Neu took some memoir writing courses and we were able to retrieve some of her drafts from her computer. This is a starter segment shedding light on her takeaways from Davis Parent Nursery School.
My Nursery School Years
Who would have thought that I would get so much out of the years my three children went to Nursery School! Joseph started out with one year at the age of four. John was there two years after that, and Jennifer followed with two more years. That gave ME five wonderful growing years. I learned how to parent well, and ultimately, learned how to be a better teacher.
The children were at Davis Parent Nursery School where I was required to be in the class one day a week , followed by a meeting with the director and other participating parents. There was a once a month night meeting with the director, and an adult education class for a semester each year.
The director was Nora Sterling, the wisest, most caring person I have ever known.
Nora modeled how to talk to children. She got down to their level and looked them in the eyes. She was kind and firm. She used "I" messages and gave them reasonable choices. She changed me from teaching curriculum first to putting the children’s needs first.
Nora taught me how to use volunteers effectively. After my nursery school years, I went back to teaching and incorporated parents into my day as much as possible. First I started a kindergarten at Saint James School and stayed there for four years. I tried a year as Director of nursery school at the Community Church. Then I started a private cooperative primary school at the community center in Village Homes. Parent participation was a requirement. I ran this school for four years too.
Nora’s influence was with me as I finally became a first grade teacher at North Davis Elementary School and then transferred after four years to Fairfield Elementary School, where I spent twenty-one years . Fairfield is set up as a parent participation school . Each family is required to work in the school for three hours a week. I was in heaven!
I spent my time using all that I learned in Nursery School!
" . . . the wisest, most caring person I have ever known."