
Barbara Neu taught at Fairfield School in the Davis Joint Unified School District (in Davis, CA) for 21 years. Teaching at Fairfield fulfilled her life's calling as a teacher. Barbara died of cancer on March 30, 2016 and her family has chosen to memorialize her and her service to Fairfield by creating a memorial scholarship fund in her name. Barbara thrilled in watching her former Fairfield students thrive into adulthood. This scholarship will recognize Fairfield students she would have loved and show this love with a helping hand toward their continuing education through adulthood, be it college, trade school or other relevant educational endeavor. 

This site will provide updates on the memorial scholarship as well as share information relevant to Mrs. Neu's legacy.  


The Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Yolo Community Foundation is set up and accepting tax-deductible donations with 501(c)(3) status. 

If you would like to make a donation to the fund by credit card, you can do so via the online-giving page of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation (of which the Yolo Community Foundation is an affiliate).  If you go to their website at www.sacregcf.org and click on GIVE NOW in the upper right-hand corner, it will take you to their donation page (https://ssl.charityweb.net/sacregcf/). Under “Please use my donation for,” there is a pull-down menu and you should select Other and put YCF-Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship in the text box. 

How to select Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship on the SacReg Community Foundation web form

Donors who wish to donate by check can make their checks out to YCF-Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship and mail it to: 

Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund of Yolo Community Foundation
c/o Sacramento Region Community Foundation
955 University Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95825

We'd like to thank Raphael Moore for his help in introducing us to the local community foundations, as well as Babs Sandeen, Executive Director of the Yolo Community Foundation and Fran Baxter-Guigli, Donor Services Officer, with the Sacramento Region Community Foundation. But, most of all, we thank all of you for your support and donating to an idea that we fortunately stumbled upon to memorialize my mother, Barbara Neu, that just seems right. 


This site was established by The Neu Family to promote the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship. Contact us for more information