Fairfield School is Turning 150!

How old is the oldest school in the Davis school district? The answer is Fairfield School at 150. Apparently, there is a 150th Anniversary celebration coming up on Saturday, May 7, and everyone’s invited. So I will be there. 

Fairfield as seen on my last visit in March 2016

The party begins promptly at 1 pm at the school on 26960 County Road 96 west of Davis. Mrs. Neu will be honored in a special ceremony, along with the late Ernie Pfanner and Barbara Stroeve Nichols, who also passed away in March -- plus many others who’ve helped make the school a nurturing environment for students these past two centuries.

Going to need to learn the story of Ernie Pfanner and the sandbox.

According to The Davis Enterprise

Deputy Superintendent Clark Bryant will read a proclamation, students will perform the Fairfield School song and all will enjoy contradancing with a professional caller. At 2 p.m., cake and fresh fruit will be served, along with lemonade and sparkling cider.

Following the ceremony and refreshments, all are welcome to socialize, admire the grounds and artwork, add data to the Fairfield School timeline and sign the school’s guestbook.
— The Davis Enterprise, April 21, 2016

They say that RSVPs are appreciated, at http://tinyurl.com/Fairfield150th. For more information, email volunteer coordinator Lis Harvey atlovely@gmail.com or leave her a message at 530-758-2667, ext. 152.

Can someone indicate in the comments what the Fairfield School timeline is all about?