Help Move the Scholarship Fund to $50,000

Mrs Neu's birthday is March 19, next Sunday, and she would have turned 77. We are also coming on a year from her passing on March 30.

Join us, if you can, in pushing the fund to $50,000 in recognition of these milestones. We will match all donations made until we reach a $50,000 fund balance through March 30, 2017.

As excited as we are to be awarding a $1,000 Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship this year, we still want to do more. Pushing the fund balance over $50,000 would get us close to being able to double the scholarship or the scholarship amount next year. 

The fund balance currently stands at $35,114.01, with gifts to date of $34,865. This puts us just under $15,000 from a $50,000 goal.

This is the fund summary as of March 9, 2017 (with the 2017 scholarship grant paid out).

This is the fund summary as of March 9, 2017 (with the 2017 scholarship grant paid out).

To donate, click on the donate button below and select the YCF - Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship from the "Please use my donation for" dropdown list. Or, send a check payable to the same to: 

Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund of Yolo Community Foundation
c/o Sacramento Region Community Foundation
955 University Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95825 

Thank you for your support!
