More History for Fairfield Elementary Celebration

Anne Ternus-Bellamy has a write-up with some additional history on Fairfield School on The Davis Enterprise website (April 27, 2016). The more you know . . . the more you should want to come to the 150th Anniversary Celebration next Saturday. 

Surrounded by farms, the school is one of the most unique campuses used by Davis children. And standing in the gardens outside, it’s not hard to imagine what it was like to attend school here 150 years ago.

Back then, according to records dating from the 1870s, Fairfield served 29 Yolo County students. The school was originally located 5 miles west of Davis on the northwest corner of County Roads 31 and 95 on land donated by Albert Henle, an early pioneer farmer in the North Putah area.
— "Fairfield School celebrates 150 years," By Anne Ternus-Bellamy, The Davis Enterprise, April 27, 2016

Established May 7, 1866, wow!