A Teacher Like You . . .
Speaking of Linda Book, as I told her last weekend, her song for Mrs Neu has taken on new meaning for me . . .
. . . especially since the Memorial Video (see below).
Again, thanks Linda!
Supporting alumni of Fairfield Elementary School
This site was created by The Neu Family to promote the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Speaking of Linda Book, as I told her last weekend, her song for Mrs Neu has taken on new meaning for me . . .
. . . especially since the Memorial Video (see below).
Again, thanks Linda!
Several people have asked if they could view the Barbara Neu Memorial Video that was shown at the life celebration event at the Davis Community Church. If you missed it, or, you just want to see it again, we've posted it on YouTube (at least for a limited time). Here it is ...
Thanks to Fairfield alumnus Stephen de Ropp for his video editing assistance.