2022 Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Deadline and Application - There is Still Time
There is still time to apply for the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship. The deadline is April 1.
Again, we want to make sure that Fairfield alumni, potential applicants and Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund supporters are aware that the scholarship continues to grow and is bigger than ever this year.
The 2022 Scholarship Grant Award is $4,250.
Applications are available via the Davis Senior High School Career Center Scholarship Bulletin (we are checking with Julie Clayton to make sure the forms reflect the updated grant amount).
You can also download the form here.
The application deadline is April 1.
Email the completed application, transcript and any additional materials on or before April 1, 2022 to: Davis Senior High School Career Center at jclayton@djusd.net.
To qualify, you must submit the application and related materials by the deadline and:
Have attended Fairfield Elementary School in Davis, California (part of the DJUSD) and be able to provide evidence of such attendance satisfactory to the fund’s Selection Committee
Agree to use any Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund scholarship award solely for tuition and/or fees, books and supplies at a valid educational institution for the educational purpose identified in the application form.