2022 Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Deadline and Application - There is Still Time

There is still time to apply for the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship. The deadline is April 1.

Again, we want to make sure that Fairfield alumni, potential applicants and Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund supporters are aware that the scholarship continues to grow and is bigger than ever this year.

The 2022 Scholarship Grant Award is $4,250.

Applications are available via the Davis Senior High School Career Center Scholarship Bulletin (we are checking with Julie Clayton to make sure the forms reflect the updated grant amount).

You can also download the form here.

The application deadline is April 1.

Email the completed application, transcript and any additional materials on or before April 1, 2022 to: Davis Senior High School Career Center at jclayton@djusd.net.

To qualify, you must submit the application and related materials by the deadline and:

  • Have attended Fairfield Elementary School in Davis, California (part of the DJUSD) and be able to provide evidence of such attendance satisfactory to the fund’s Selection Committee

  • Agree to use any Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund scholarship award solely for tuition and/or fees, books and supplies at a valid educational institution for the educational purpose identified in the application form.

Henry Stem is the 2021 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Henry Stem! Henry is the recipient of the 2021 Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship.


Henry attended Fairfield from 2008 to 2011. One of his favorite memories is discovering a love of stamp collecting. “Mrs. Neu had massive tubs filled with all kinds of stamps to collect,” he recalls, “but to preserve the quality of the stamp you had to use tweezers, and not touch the stamp itself.” A happy moment was when he found a stamp of the Wright Brothers plane— but it was the error, upside-down stamp that was very rare. Mrs. Neu also gave Henry his love for reading and Fig Newtons: when she read My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett she brought in Fig Newtons because Elmer, the protagonist, eats Fig Newtons in one of the later books. “I've loved fig newtons since then,” Henry says.

Henry plans to attend Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon this fall. He is interested in studying history and environmental studies. His past participation in badminton and Ultimate Frisbee will likely serve him well. We wish Henry all the best!

May 1 is the New Scholarship Deadline

This just in from Julie Clayton at Davis High School who administers our scholarship:

The new deadline for students to email their application(s) to Julie Clayton is May 1.

  • This date was chosen to allow time to notify students of the revised submission process. It also gives students the opportunity to adjust to the new Distance Learning program they will begin on April 13, without the stress of an April scholarship deadline.

Please see this post for more information and the application form.

Photo by roobcio/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by roobcio/iStock / Getty Images

2019 Scholarship - It's Application Time!

The Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship is now accepting applications for 2019.

The application deadline is April 5, 2019.

This year’s grant award is $1,850.


Again, to be eligible for consideration to receive a Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship, you must:

  • Have attended Fairfield Elementary School in Davis, California (part of the DJUSD) and be able to provide evidence of such attendance satisfactory to the fund’s Selection Committee;

  • Complete and sign the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund Application Form and submit it together with a recent transcript and at least one letter of recommendation the fund’s Selection Committee before the applicable annual submission date, as provided on the application form; and

  • Agree to use any Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund scholarship award solely for tuition and/or fees, books and supplies at a valid educational institution for the educational purpose identified in the application form.

How to Apply

  1. Complete and sign the attached Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Grant Application, including your most recent academic transcript and one or more letters of recommendation.

    Note: We would prefer receiving applications in a digital format, provided that it includes a scan of the manually signed signature page. We will also accept hard copy submissions.

  2. Submit the completed application, transcript and any additional materials on or before
    April 5, 2019 to:

Davis Senior High School Career Center
315 W 14th St, Davis, CA 95616
Attention: Julie Clayton
(530) 757-5400, ext. 140

If you have questions about the application or the application process, please contact Julie Clayton or the Davis Senior High School Career Center at the contact information above.