It's a Time for Giving . . .
It's the holiday time for giving. If you are considering making charitable donations before year-end, don't forget the Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund. It's a great cause supporting alumni of Fairfield Elementary School in Davis, CA - plus it's tax deductible.
If you cannot make a monetary donation, share some joy with someone special to you. Mrs Neu would encourage it.
I am making my year-end donation to the fund, and I hope you will join me.
To donate, click on the button below that links to the Sacramento Region Community Foundation site donation page. Under “Please use my donation for,” there is a pull-down menu and you should select the YCF-Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship fund.
If you wish to donate by check, make it payable to YCF-Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship and mail it to:
Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund of Yolo Community Foundation
c/o Sacramento Region Community Foundation
955 University Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95825
No matter what you are giving this holiday season and to whom, even if it's a joy or a warm thought honoring the legacy of Mrs Neu, the Neu family wishes you,