We've Reached the Fund Goal!

The Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund has now received $30,790 in donations, exceeding our goal of $25,000! This means we have reached the level needed to launch the endowed fund and begin offering scholarships. We are very excited and thankful for all the support we have received.

A special thanks goes out to my brother, John Neu, who matched the generous donations made by others to date and also received a matching gift from his employer's charitable giving program. This puts our fund balance at $30,794.26 as of Friday.

We will, of course, continue to seek and accept donations to build up The Barbara Neu Memorial Scholarship Fund. The more donations we receive for the fund, the more we will be able to grant each year. 

But now the fund work begins! Our next step is to put together a selection committee and establish the criteria and other details for the scholarship. We will keep you posted. 

Thank you!